Everyday Heroes

Even YOU can be an Everyday Hero!!!

 Good for Goodness' Sake

In a world where social-emotional development rules supreme, we would all do the right thing because we would possess those sometimes elusive qualities called perspective-taking and empathy.  We would do the right thing even when nobody else was looking; even when there was no payoff for us personally. 

Sometimes, events in the news get us to thinking that we should just give up on believing that folks would choose to do the right thing, but I would hope that y'all hold out hope in the belief of our fellow humankind like I do.  When someone goes out of his way to do the right thing, he provides a shining example of how we can all step up to the plate and shine (maybe not in a public way, but very much in a way that enlarges our own hearts with kindness).

Business as Usual or Extraordinary?

Some people routinely go out of their way to do the right thing, and they think nothing of it.  It's business as usual for them.  Yet, I call these people "Everyday Heroes"...the extraordinary ones...and such is the tale you are about to hear:

Yesterday, I received an email from a gentleman at Pepperdine University in California.  The email was from a man named David, and he was seeking some assistance (read: going out of his way to help someone else, who needed assistance, but didn't even know it, yet).  David works in the Mail Services Department at Pepperdine University and he received a piece of mail that was undeliverable. On that manilla envelope was a Kidlutions Preferred Product Award seal.  I had no connection to that piece of mail other than the Kidlutions seal that the letter bore. 

What happened next is what makes David an "Everyday Hero".  David actually took the time to look up the Kidlutions website, find my contact information, send me an email, and hold on to that piece of mail until he heard back as to how to proceed.  Wow.  Talk about customer service!

All's Well That Ends Well

With David's information, I was able to trace that piece of mail back to Shara Weiss at Mommy Perks.  It turns out that Shara was sending out a mailing for Louise Sattler at Signing Families (both of these women being "Everyday Heroes" in their own right)...and there was a glitch in the system...until David interevened.  I was able to get in touch with Shara, provide her with David's contact information...and POOF...problem solved! (You can read Shara's version of the story here, along with another example of excellent customer service from Lowe's.)

So, thank-you, David, for being an "Everyday Hero"...for being a stand-up man and doing the right thing.  Your act of kindness did not go unnoticed!


This is great, Wendy. In other situations, the mail might have been tossed or donated, if the mail room clerk was unsure of the delivery whereabouts. David, however, took the time to look you up (I had placed your Kidlutions sticker on my envelope as I always do!) and email you. VERY kind. Thank you, David! Thank you Wendy for bringing this up ;-)
Anonymous said…
Thank you David and Wendy.... I always fall back on the words of historical figures, such as Anne Frank- who in the midst of adversity always believed that good people would prevail over evil.

Everyday Heroes, such as David and yourself- are proof positive of that.

Thanks for all you do-
Shara, the kindness of strangers. It can never be underestimated, can it? I love acts of kindness and like to hightlight them whenever I can!


I LOVE Anne Frank and all that she stood for. She was one of my heroes as a kid, and remains so to this day!

Thanks for your generosity and kindness...and for all the work you do on behalf of children!

naomi said…
Its rreally great when people go out of their way and do something off their own back. I appreciate those little things and we appreciate people who go that extra mile.

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