Who's In Your Mind Garden?

The Mind Garden

A short time ago, I saw Shara Lawrence-Weiss of Mommy Perks had tweeted something about a community garden.  Then there were tweets exchanged about wishing we lived close enough to have a community garden.  Dr. Lynne Kenney tweeted back: "We have a Mind Garden!"  You know what?  She was right!

Over the past few years, I have connected with scores of colleagues, made new friends and even been involved in writing a book courtesy of twitter, facebook and other social media (most recently, Pinterest).

The Mind Garden: Defined

A Mind Garden isn't a place, as much as it is a concept.  Thanks to the internet, there are no borders or boundaries when it comes to a Mind Garden.  We can cultivate it 24/7 and it even bears fruit!

My Mind Garden includes: @braininsights @DrLynneKenney @ListenToMePleas @LouiseASL @MommyPerks  @SueAtkins  @TheKidCoach @VivienSabel @DrRosina @LauraChildcare @janetlansbury @lisasunbury @TheTwinCoach @MovingSmartNow and more...my list is growing every day. 

Mind Garden Benefits

My Mind Garden helps me grow as a mom, as a person, and as a human being trying to do better and be better, each day that I am gifted with another chance at putting my feet on the floor and moving forward.  On any given day, I can find information about whipping up a wonderful meal, how to run my business, how to beautify my garden, how to fix a broken screen (or a broken heart) , how to slowwwww down and relax, find something that makes me laugh, moves me to tears and changes my perspective.  I have even taken "mini vacations" without leaving my home, all courtesy of my Mind

A Mind Garden Grows When We Share It with Others

If you do a post about a Mind Garden, and you'd like me to share it here, just drop me a line and I'll add a link to your article right in this post.

Here is Dr. Lynne's original post on Mind Gardens.

Here is Shara @MommyPerk's post.

Oh, and if you find a good article that you'd love to share with others, simply hashtag it #MindGarden on twitter and then we'll all find it!

Happy Gardening {and parenting/teaching, too!}


Unknown said…
Wendy, I am so honored to be among the flowers in your Mind Garden! You are most certainly in mine. And I love the idea of this garden of inspiration. Thank you! I always refer to mine as the village who helps me raise my children...but I love the garden image.

You are always an inspiration. Thank you for all you do!

My good fortune to "know" you and the many others I have met through the magic of social media.

Thanks for all you bring to the table! If you do a "Mind Garden" post, be sure to let me know!

Wendy =)
Regarding Baby said…
Wendy, Thank you so much! What a great post, and what an honor to be included as a flower in your mind garden, with such a great group.It's funny you wrote this post today, because I was just thinking about you , and came over to mine your site for resources for a family I'm working with whose children are struggling a little with learning to express and manage angry feelings in healthy ways. I appreciate you as a trusted source of information and support! Thanks for all you do to help educators and families to be with, and guide children in positive ways!
Awwww...Lisa, you made my day! I'm so glad to know that the resources I put out there are being used to help others! Thanks for all you do for infants and young children. Your contributions are tremendous!

Wendy =)

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