I Am Who I Am

Poetry creation is an incredible way to help tweens and teens deal with feelings, try on new ways of being or express themselves.  Following is a piece of poetry shared with me by a middle school student:

I Am Who I Am

By: Mya G.

I see the way the other girls walk
I see and hear the way other girls talk.

I don't walk their walk.
I don't talk their talk.

I am beautiful.
I am hopeful.
I try to be the one you wish for.
But I am no one but myself.

If I'm not the one you're looking for,
please move on and leave me single instead of broken.

I Am Who I Am!

I know I am beautiful.
I know I'm not perfect. 
I know know I have made mistakes.

I know I'm not like other girls.
I don't want to be like them only because I am who I am.

I don't want to be like "them".
I want to be different.
I want to be heard.
I want you to listen to what I have to say.
I've got the same right to tell my opinions as you do.

I Am Who I Am.

Nothing can change the I inside.
I stand up for myself.
I am important.
I am beautiful.
The aforementioned poem was submitted to me by a student at the school in which I provide therapeutic services.  It is being shared with her and her mother's written permission.

More Support for Teens and Self-Esteem 

See our exclusive workbook, "My Thoughts on Life: A Teen Girls' Guide" and FREE bonus user's manual to help young women clarify issues in their lives and build self-esteem.  This resource was used world-wide within an hour of it's release!

and the FREE Bonus Manual:

Find out all about it HERE!


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