31 Days, 31 Signs: The Basics of ASL

If you haven't met my friend, Louise Sattler, now is the perfect time.  Louise and I met online, which led to a business relationship, which led to a friendship, which led to us presenting at a conference together, which leads us to this! Louise has a 31 Days of ASL challenge that you won't want to miss. Read more below!

31 days, 31 Signs: Learn the basics of ASL

 Each year in homes and classrooms around the country, American Sign Language ā€“ ASL ā€“ or forms of signed English are being used to help communicate ideas, needs and feelings.  While sign language was once thought of exclusively used in the Deaf community, it has now found itsā€™ way in to the mainstream and being used among parents with their babies and teachers with students!

Louise Sattler

Louise Sattler, Psychologist and the owner of SIGNING FAMILIES  has developed the 31 days ASL Challenge to encourage students, parents, teachers and community members to learn the basics of sign language. Whether words such as simple as MORE or HELP to words a bit more complicated in context ā€“ MAD and FRUSTRATED.

This event is FREE and easy to participate!  All one needs to do is go to the SIGNING FAMILIES / LOUISEASL YouTube page and subscribe for the daily emails to learn the new sign for the day!

 The conversation will follow  on FACEBOOK where you can suggest signs you want to learn for the next ASL CHALLENGE!

 Here is a sneak peek!  

Have fun with Louise's 31 Day Challenge!


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