Friendship in the Early Years

One Little Boy Told Me He Had
No Idea What to Say After, "Hello".

He Was So Sad

One little boy recently told me he had no idea how to make a friend. I mean, he knew to say "hello", but just had no clue what to do after that. And he was sad about this. Very much so. He struggled with this to the extent that it caused a great degree of anxiety.

The thing that which makes us human...communicating and convening with our fellow sometimes the thing that trips people up. And it's not just a problem that plagues little kids. Not at all.

Even Adults Suffer

This little boy is SO not alone. You see, there are even adults who struggle with this issue. What do you say after you say hello? 

Adele Can't Teach Kids This, But We Can

Adele might know what to say after "hello", but not all of us are born with the gift of gab. Some people have the talent and ability to effortlessly schmooze their way through almost anything with anyone while others panic at the thought of being left alone to converse with someone for any length of time. 

These hidden rules of friendship include several dimensions that CAN be taught to kids by focusing on the elements that make a good friend, as well as intentionally exploring how to be a good one.  We have a brand new, hot-off-the-press resource that everyone who lives with, works with or cares for kiddos needs. You can snag it for just $6 and use it over and over again to your heart's content. 

Because you can tell kids how to be a good friend, but it's much, MUCH better if you let them ponder it, explore it, talk about it, draw or write about it and practice it with their peers. 

This little download will help you give them the tools of friendship, by doodling, writing or drawing all about it!

Just $6.00

You can read all about it HERE.

If you need resources to help you help your kids navigate the trickier, more challenging things in life...find help in our "Feelings Shop" of digital downloads at:


Wendy Young, LMSW, BCD, is  the founder of Kidlutions and co-author of BLOOM: 50 Things to Say, Think and Do with Anxious, Angry and Over-the-Top Kids. She is the creator of numerous workbooks and resources to help from the preschool through the teen years. Follow her on PinterestInstagramTwitter and Facebook! She'd love to see your smiling face there!


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