The Kindness Chain: A New Kind of Linky Love!

Helping Kids Make Good Choices
One of my very favorite things to do is spend time in any one of the Head Start programs to which I consult. So many fabulous things are happening there...and I get to exercise my imagination on a regular basis to help develop some fun new ways to help kids make good choices, get along, and do the right thing.

Kindness Chains
Last year, in one of the trainings I provided, we discussed making "Kindness Chains". Each time someone was "caught" doing something kind, helpful, etc., the teacher would recognize them and add another link in the "kindness chain". One day I popped in on one classroom and found that their "kindness chain" not only criss-crossed the room, it had taken on dimensions and proportions that I could have only imagined in my wildest dreams! What was best, it was a team effort. Well, I made such a big fuss over how excited I was, that the teacher, Mrs. Linda Slining and her assistant, Mrs. Jen Starkey (both "carriers" of kindness themselves), actually mailed me the chain at the end of the year! They even attached a handprint from each of the children and themselves onto the chain! That was the biggest box of thank-you's that I ever received!

Start a Kindness Chain of Your Own

So...why not start a "kindness chain" at your that makes everyone want to get in on the act? The kids will be clamoring to get recognized for doing the right thing. You can even let them rotate on being the official "link-adder" of the day. I wonder how many links you could have at the end of the school year? Give it a whirl and let us know.
And...if you have any ideas on variations on the theme, we'd love to hear it!
Spin-doctor tip: Whatever you pay attention to, you get more of! Pay attention to the things your kids are doing right and you'll see a whole lot MORE of it!


Melitsa saidā€¦
What a lovely idea. I have one that's always doing kind things and this would let him be recognised. His brother could do with some reinforcing of doing kind things. I like how they'll see the results.
Would you recommend I get a roll of paper and cut and stick. We're a big busy family and while I love this I need to see how I could do this quickly otherwise it'll fall by the wayside?

How about cutting strips of colored construction paper and making a "pocket" out of an envelope that you can hang on the fridge? Keep a glue stick in the pocket, too...or a mini-stapler if the kids are old enough...and let them hook the new links on themselves! If anybody else has any ideas, chime in!

Miranda J saidā€¦
I like your ideas; thought process. We did a variation on your theme for a Christmas party one year. All the kids would ask a person their name, write it down on the piece of paper, and then add to the chain. Made of red and green paper, this became a garland for a tree trimming party.
Hi, Whitney! Thanks for sharing! Love all the variations on the theme! Hope you visit us again, soon!

Wendy :)

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