Bloom: The Heart, Art and Science of Parenting {and Teaching}

The Heart, Art and Science of Parenting {and Teaching}

Parenting and teaching: two of the most challenging jobs in the whole world, if you ask me. No matter how much you read and prepare, it seems there are always some unprecedented situations that arise for which you feel ill-prepared:

An intense child.  

A child who doesn't respond to standard parenting and classroom management techniques.  

A child who defies all laws of what we think we know when it comes to helping them make good choices.  

Punishment Can't Save These Kids

It's "these" kinds of kids that perplex the brightest and the best parents and teachers.  "These" kids so often end up in the therapist's playroom as young children, or the therapist's couch as adolescents.  Sometimes "they" end up in the juvenile justice system and, sadly, sometimes "they" end up shrinking away from all that they might have become. Punishment can't save these kids. 

These kinds of kids require something different. Something more than a sticker chart and a treasure chest of rewards. They need more than a time-out or being sent to the office.  Because while these techniques might work for the short-term, they do nothing to teach new skills, new behaviors, new ways of thinking.

These kids need Bloom.  

Bloom isn't just a collection of scientific research that sounds good in a lab, delivered by folks in white coats holding clipboards.  It's a real, actionable approach to raising wonderful human beings, with a focus on responding to some of the most challenging behaviors parents and teachers face. Best of all, it's information that is accessible and easy to implement. No timers, no charts, no counting. Just you and your relationship with the child.  

We don't promise an overnight change, or a change by the end of the week.  Those kinds of changes are often short-lived and shallow.  We're talking about a way of parenting and relating to kids that helps you dig deeper and prepare your child (and yourself) for the kind of relationship that builds increased trust, improved communication and a future that is filled with promise.

It's how Dr. Lynne Kenney, my co-author of Bloom, and I work with kids in our offices and it's how we raise our own kids.  

No kid is perfect. Nor will you find a perfect adult. They just don't exist. Therefore, Bloom doesn't make false promises and provide you with empty hopes.  Rather, it gives you real, actionable ways to navigate some of the tough times and come out better on the other side...with your relationship with your child intact, and the hope for a better tomorrow for all.

Increase your understanding of why some kids do what they do, why misbehavior occurs in the first place, and the very best way to respond for future change!  Get Bloom and grow your family (or classroom) in a meaningful direction!

Read more about the HEART, ART and SCIENCE of it all HERE!  Best of all, you can get Bloom for HALF PRICE!  

Bloom in the Media

Recently, Bloom was mentioned in People Magazine (January 20, 2014) when Dr. Kenney, my co-author of Bloom, provided expert commentary on the Gosselin family.  What a great way to start out the New Year!

Bloom contains such powerful information which produces lasting change, that I not only recommend it to parents and educators, but the very concepts inside are the ones that have provided the basis for much of the consultative work I provide to early childhood programming. It's that compelling.  It's everything I've researched and know to be true about helping families create the home life they always dreamed of and become the parent they hoped they would be. Thousands of miles away, Dr. Kenney had discovered the same things. 

We teamed up to share it all with you!

Find Bloom by clicking HERE

Bloom Can Change Everything

If you are less than satisfied with behavior in your home (or classroom) as we venture into the new year, give Bloom a try.  It could change everything.  Sassing, hitting, and more...we cover some of the biggest parenting and teaching challenges in Bloom. 

What do you most want to change about how you handle behavioral issues in your home or classroom?


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