Helping Kids Say "BOO" to Bad Habits?

Happy Halloween, all! Okay, here's an idea I've been wanting to do all month, and I'm opening it up to you. When I worked as a school social worker, one of the activities we did with the young students in the month of October was....


Kids got to come up with their ideas of things they wanted to focus on to improve their lives:

Here are a few examples:

Say "BOO" to too much candy!

Say "BOO" to not brushing your teeth!

Say "BOO" to not listening to your parents!

We made little ghosts, and each time one of the kids in the classroom came up with a new idea, the whole class chimed in and said "BOO" to that bad habit! It was fun and got the point across in a memorable way!'s your turn with your kids. I'd love to know what kinds of ideas your kids come up with to say "BOO" to! Simply add your kids' ideas to the comment section below, OR tweet me @Kidlutions. I look forward to all of your kids' great ideas!

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww..............happy hauntings!

More Resources for Fall
that Teach Social Skills:

Find the Fall Bundle by clicking HERE!


Deborah Stewart said…
Really cute idea - I asked my niece and after sitting and hum-hawing for a bit she replied to "Boo to eating to much" and "Boo to not exercising".

That is GREAT! Thanks so much for sharing!

Only fair that I should ask my 3 kids to contribute:

9 y/o says: Say BOO to drugs!

12 y/o says: Say BOO to having babies at a young age!

14 y/o says: Say BOO to complaining!

Trooper our dog says: Say BOO to barking at neighbors!

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