Getting Kids to Help Clean-up: The Magic Trash Game

I meet the coolest cats and the "tidiest tweeps" on twitter. Here's my newest friend, Mr. Smith, an elemtary school teacher with a simple name but a personality that will "wow" you!

Where were teachers like this when I was in elementary school? (OK, I lucked out and had a FEW, but wouldn't it be grand to have a Mr. Smith for every classroom? A Mr. Smith for every student?) I agree!

As a behavioral/mental health consultant to early childhood programs, I am also drawn to the creative type of interventions that embrace merriment and mirth...that add an element of fun to whatever work is at hand.  Teachers who can do that work MAGIC in their classrooms!  Hats off to Mr. Smith!

Above, Mr. Smith, from, provides you with a grand idea on how to get kids to help you clean-up the classroom. Parents...have no fears...this tip works just as easily at home...and in the car (a non-moving, parked one, of course)!

Every Head Start, preschool and early childhood classroom in the country could use tips like the ones doles out.


MamaMcCaskill said…
Can't wait to try this idea with my home daycare kids! "Magic Toys!"
Can't wait to hear how it works out! Please let us know!

~Wendy =)

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